Parenting Webinar

"Parents need to fill a child’s bucket of self-esteem so high that the rest of the world can’t poke enough holes to drain it dry."
-Alvin Price

All the parents have their different styles of raising their children. These parenting styles can drastically affect the child's growing up experience. Despite giving the best at their level; many parents sometimes struggle with parenting strategies. 

Giving top priority to these most essential and vulnerable topics, Samsara-The World Academy organised a counselling session on 4th February 2022, for the parents of MB to KG children on 'Parenting Styles'. The session was hosted by our counsellor Ms Megha Sarin.

She discussed how each of the parenting styles operates on specific mindsets and beliefs.
She explained how sometimes we fail to execute them properly, missing the mark of its negative impact on children.
She also guided the parents to involve their children in more life skills activities and help them to have less screen time.

It was a very influential and interactive session. The parents felt very motivated and expressed their gratitude for keeping this session.

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